a known behavior about the slowness when accessing BIM 360 API in the first time.
Supporting multiple models in the new ModelStructurePanel
Follow @F3lipek Today we are looking at enhancing multi-model experience with the Forge Viewer, but before we begin it is worth mentioning that we have a big event approaching, the Forge DevCon
Get all DbId without enumerating model hierarchy
This is about how to get all DbId in the model without instanceTree.enumNodeChildren
Loading External Extensions in the Forge Viewer
Follow @F3lipek The 2.15 version of the Forge Viewer API has introduced the concept of external extensions, causing the small breaking change in the way extensions are being loaded, see that article
3 Legged OAuth 2 using Insomnia REST
A couple of weeks ago while preparing for my upcoming Forge DevCon class: "Best Practices with Forge REST APIs" I came across a new tool for testing my REST calls. This awesome tool is called Insomnia
Custom Window Selection in the Forge Viewer - Part III
Follow @F3lipek Third and last part of this blog series where I exposed step by step the implementation of a custom "Window Selection" command for the Forge Viewer on top of the public API. You can
Enrich Fusion 360 data for the Viewer
When displaying your Fusion 360 model in the Viewer it already has quite a bit of data on the various components. However, it does not contain custom data like e.g. Attributes. One way to go around