Documentation / Inventor

Inventor API

Build mechanical design applications on a flexible platform

Autodesk Inventor® is a versatile software platform for creating custom mechanical design applications and seamless integration with manufacturing workflows. The COM API allows you to automate repetitive design tasks and extend the software functionality using languages such as Visual Basic, C++, C#, Python, Java, and more. Autodesk Inventor can also use Microsoft’s VBA providing an in-product experience.

SDKs and tools

Program Inventor with the SDK sample programs and tools. When you install Inventor, the SDK is automatically located here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor <version>\SDK 

Folder files

Access the SDK information by installing one or both of these msi files and double-clicking them in Explorer.


Autodesk Inventor Apprentice is a free COM server enabling standalone applications to have query access to Inventor Documents. Access includes assembly structure, solids topology and geometry, plus query/edit access to file references and document properties. Apprentice is installed as part of Inventor. The documentation and samples are included as part of the Inventor SDK.

Object Model Chart

The Object Model Chart is very useful in understanding what objects are available and how to navigate the object hierarchy to get a desired object. The latest version can be accessed from the SDK: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\<Inventor version>\SDK\DeveloperTools\Docs>.


Code samples

Community and support

Whether you're an experienced Inventor user or just starting out, this is a good place to ask questions, share tips, connect, and learn from others.