27 Jan 2025

New Year Updates to Data Exchange Connectors

Data Exchange Connector Updates

Happy new year to all the Data Exchange enthusiasts! As we move forward into 2025, we are happy to share the latest updates in the Data Exchange connector ecosystem. Here are the key improvements and releases that are ready for you to try out today.


New Positioning Feature

Now you have options to align your loaded data exchanges, and maintain this on update

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We're excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Data Exchange Connectors that addresses a common challenge faced by our users. Previously, when importing an exchange, there was no option to specify the origin location for the imported elements. This often led to difficulties in manually aligning entities, especially for larger exchanges, and any manual adjustments would be lost with version updates.

With our latest update, we have introduced an "Origin Location Input Field" that allows users to specify the origin location during the import process. This can be done by specifying coordinates or a reference point, ensuring precise alignments. The system automatically aligns the entities based on the specified origin location, saving time and effort.

Most importantly, these alignment settings persist across version updates, so you won't lose your adjustments when importing new versions of the exchange.

This new feature streamlines your workflow, enhances precision, and ensures consistency across updates. You can try it out in the new versions of the Inventor, Tekla, and Rhino connectors. This feature will be coming to the Revit connector soon!


Inventor Connector

Now you can create an exchange from the part environment and set the orientation