Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

11 Sep 2019

Meet the Forge DevCon Team: Adam Nagy

Adam Nagy

We sat down with Adam Nagy, who supports developers using the Forge Platform. He talked about how cool infinite energy would be and what he's looking forward to at this year's Forge DevCon. 


Can you tell me your name and what you do at Autodesk? 

My name is Adam Nagy, and I’m on the Forge Partner Development team. We support certified developers who are using the Forge platform.

Adam Nagy


Tell me a little bit more about your background?  

I studied as a software engineer. My first job was back in Budapest, Hungary working for a civil engineering and CAD software company. After University I moved to the UK looking for a job. I found a job at Autodesk and they sent me to Prague. So I stayed there for three years and then I moved back to the UK.  

Budapest to United Kingdom


Can you go over a bit of your area of expertise?  

Throughout my time at Autodesk I've supported pretty much all the main product APIs. I supported the API's of AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical, Architecture, MEP, Revit, Inventor, Fusion 360, but at the moment I’m focusing just on the manufacturing side of things. So the Design Automation API for Inventor and Fusion 360 APIs [Like the robot demo he shared with us below!], plus of course the Forge APIs in general. 


What do you like about Forge and being part of the Forge team? 

I like how easy Forge makes it to take advantage of our technologies which were sort of locked up in desktop products previously. So now we have all kinds of tech and data accessible via the cloud, and that makes it really easy to access it through web services. For example, with the Design Automation APIs that are coming out now, I think it’s going to be really cool to see what people are doing with them.


Demo of robot from Adam Nagy



What are you looking forward to (or hope to see at Forge DevCon)? 

We did quite a few Accelerators already related to Design Automation APIs, so I am hoping that there will be well-polished products by the time we get to AU. Building multiple technologies would be cool to see.  



If you could imagine any technology possible, what would you imagine and why? 

An infinite energy source would be cool. 


What classes or activities are you hosting at Forge DevCon?

This year we are focusing on trying to make sure our customers and certified developers have the chance to present their solutions. And who knows, I might be co-presenting with someone. In addition to that, I'll be at the Forge Developer Zone which is on the AU show floor throughout the week. Hopefully, that will enable more people to stop by.


DevLab Team

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