6 Sep 2023
Call for feedback: Design Automation for Revit with Dynamo

The Design Automation API provides the ability to use the core APIs of Autodesk desktop engines, in the cloud, in an automated way. It can connect to any source of data, from Autodesk Docs or OSS (via Data Management API), other storage providers like Onedrive or Dropbox, to generic sources, like AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage. Revit engine is available, and it’s being used by many developers to create amazing automations. More details about Design Automation and also visit the Github for samples.
Dynamo is a graphical programming interface that lets you customize your building information workflow. It’s also an open-source visual programming platform for designers. It is installed as part of Revit along with Revit specific programming nodes. More details about Dynamo for Revit.
Autodesk is working to include Dynamo as part of Design Automation for Revit. That would allow developers to start an automation to open a Revit file, execute a Dynamo graph script, and access the results. The existing Design Automation features would be available, multiplying the possibilities for automations.
What is required?
For the call for feedback, only Revit 2024 engine is supported. Although Design Automation can be used from any language (like all REST services), the Revit specific part requires .NET (most of our samples are in C#). Last, a zip bundle that includes a special version of Dynamo 2.18 for Revit is needed during this program.
How to participate?
Join the Feedback Portal project for additional details, including sample code.