15 Jan 2025
ACC Data Connector API Updates: Multiple Projects Support, Filter by Project Status and Others

Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) Data Connector API has a few small, yet useful updates.
Extraction of Multiple Projects
A new payload attribute projectIdList is added for specifying a list of project ids which you want to extract data from. Currently, a maximum of 50 projects are allowed in one request. API users now have a choice of extracting data from, multiple projects and entire all projects.
Date Range for Activities in Recurrent Jobs
In the past, when you specify recurrent extraction with scheduleInterval, maximum allowed date range is used. Now, you have the choice to set date range by dateRange field. It supports today, yesterday, past seven (7) days, current month and last month from the time of recurring job starts. Note: currently, dateRange is only applicable with Activities data.
Filtering by Project Status
A new payload attribute, projectStatus, is added to filter the projects by their status: active, archived or both.
The three new features above can help narrow down the range of data you are interested in to extract and reduce the volume.
Documentation Endpoints for Schema and Schema Changelog
In December 2023, we have added two static links to the documentation of schema and schema changelog. We have now fully documented those two endpoints to access as API for developers. A couple of notes regarding those endpoints. They are consistent to the document of the static links. The two endpoints do not need authentication. When using those API calls, you will need to input which module data you want to check.
The field guide and tutorial are updated accordingly. In addition, we highlighted the specific limit of 24 hours when posting requests. For more details about 24 hour limit, please refer to this blog.