22 Nov 2024

Signaling a Heartbeat for Long-Running APIs with AutoCAD Civil 3D Design Automation

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Long-running operations, such as exporting Civil 3D corridors to solids, can cause workflows to appear unresponsive, especially in cloud-based or asynchronous environments. To address this, AutoCAD provides a heartbeat signal mechanism to indicate the application is still alive during lengthy tasks.

This post demonstrates how to implement a heartbeat mechanism while performing a complex operation: exporting corridors to solids using Civil 3D's Design Automation (DA) environment.

Thanks for Albert from Engineering to provide this suggestion.


Why Use a Heartbeat?

Design Automation (DA) environments often impose timeouts to ensure system stability. Without interaction during a long-running operation, DA might terminate the process, mistaking it for a hang. By signaling a heartbeat, you can inform DA that the process is active and prevent unintended termination.

Code Walkthrough

Below is the complete implementation of a corridor export command, including heartbeat signaling.

Key Features

  1. Heartbeat Signaling: Signals activity during long-running operations using AcApHeartSendBeat().
  2. Corridor Export: Exports corridors to solids while reporting progress and writing results to a file.
  3. Error Handling: Provides robust error and transaction management.

The Heartbeat Manager

The HeartbeatManager encapsulates the logic for sending heartbeat signals at regular intervals. It uses a background task to send the signal and gracefully handles cancellation when the process ends.

[DllImport("accore.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl,
           EntryPoint = "?sendBeat@AcApHeart@@YAXXZ")]
private static extern void AcApHeartSendBeat();
private class HeartbeatManager : IDisposable
    private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cts;
    private readonly Task _heartbeatTask;

    public HeartbeatManager()
        _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
        _heartbeatTask = StartHeartbeat(_cts.Token);

    private static Task StartHeartbeat(CancellationToken token)
        return Task.Run(async () =>
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                await Task.Delay(100, token);
        }, token);

    public void Dispose()

Exporting Corridors to Solids

The ExportCorridor command demonstrates how to:

  1. Access Civil 3D corridors from the active document.
  2. Export these corridors to solids using ExportSolids.
  3. Write the results (handles of solids) to a text file.

Here’s the core command logic:

public void ExportCorridor()
    var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
    if (doc == null) return;

    using var heartbeat = new HeartbeatManager();
        ExportCorridorInternal(doc.Database, doc.Editor);
    catch (Exception ex)
        doc.Editor.WriteMessage($"\nError during corridor export: {ex.Message}");

The Export Logic

The method ExportCorridorInternal performs the export by iterating through corridors, creating solids, and writing their handles to a file. It uses the ExportCorridorSolidsParams class to define export options.

private static void ExportCorridorInternal(Database database, Editor editor)
    var civilDoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("No active Civil 3D document found.");
    var corridors = civilDoc.CorridorCollection;

    var exportOptions = CreateExportOptions();
    using (var transaction = database.TransactionManager.StartOpenCloseTransaction())
        foreach (ObjectId corridorId in corridors)
            var corridor = transaction.GetObject(corridorId, OpenMode.ForRead) as Corridor;
            if (corridor == null) continue;

            ObjectIdCollection solidIds = corridor.ExportSolids(exportOptions, null);
            using (var file = new StreamWriter(@"solids.txt", true))
                foreach (var solidId in solidIds.Cast<ObjectId>())
                    var solid = transaction.GetObject(solidId, OpenMode.ForRead) as Solid3d;
                    if (solid != null)

            editor.WriteMessage($"\nExported {solidIds?.Count ?? 0} solids.");

Export Options

The CreateExportOptions method defines the parameters for the export operation, including what corridor components to export.

private static ExportCorridorSolidsParams CreateExportOptions()
    return new ExportCorridorSolidsParams
        CreateSolidForShape = true,
        ExportShapes = true,
        ExportLinks = false,
        SweepSolidForShape = false

Example Use Case

  1. Source Drawing: The command assumes a Civil 3D corridor exists in the drawing.
    Example file: Corridor-5c.dwg (from Civil 3D tutorials).

  2. Command Execution: Run the command ExportCorridor in the Civil 3D environment.

  3. Output: A file named solids.txt will be created, listing the handles of exported solids.

  4. Heartbeat: The system remains responsive throughout the process, signaling activity every 100ms.

Example Use Case

  1. Source Drawing: The command assumes a Civil 3D corridor exists in the drawing.
    Example file: Corridor-5c.dwg (from Civil 3D tutorials).

  2. Command Execution: Run the command ExportCorridor in the Civil 3D environment.

  3. Output: A file named solids.txt will be created, listing the handles of exported solids.

  4. Heartbeat: The system remains responsive throughout the process, signaling activity every 100ms.

The heartbeat mechanism ensures smooth execution of long-running tasks in Design Automation environments. This example demonstrates how to integrate it with Civil 3D or AutoCAD Design Automation API for corridor-to-solid export tasks.

With this approach, your applications can handle complex workflows while maintaining stability and preventing timeouts.

Try it out and let us know how it works for you!

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