21 Nov 2023

APS at Autodesk University 2023 Highlights

That's a wrap! Autodesk University 2023, one of the most highly anticipated events in the world of design and make, took place from November 13-15 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hosted at the Venetian Convention & Expo Center, the event brought together developers, industry professionals, and innovators from around the globe.

This year's event featured an extensive lineup of workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities. Don't worry if you weren't able to attend live because what happens in Vegas, didn't stay in Vegas. Many of the AU 2023 sessions will be available on the AU website soon. Stay tuned for details! Check out all of the Autodesk Platform Services highlights below.


Autodesk Platform Services Forum

The Autodesk Platform Services Forum, held on Tuesday, November 14th, provided attendees with a valuable opportunity to connect with platform leaders and to learn about the foundation of Autodesk's Design and Make Platform.

The forum commenced with Ben Cochran, VP of Developer Enablement, who shared Autodesk's vision for the Design and Make Platform. He emphasized the crucial role developers play in shaping and enhancing the platform's capabilities. Following Ben, Shelly Mujtaba, VP of Product Data, took the stage to delve into Autodesk's new Data Strategy and API offerings. This segment provided insights into the company's approach to data management and showcased the latest tools to achieve data granularity, interoperability, and accessibility. Then, Susanna Holt, VP of Strategic Technologies, was joined in conversation with Josha van Reij, Product Owner at Arcadis, as they discussed how Arcadis is maximizing the potential of their data with APS's newest APIs and beyond.

Developers and data enthusiasts left the session equipped with valuable knowledge, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of how to harness the power of APS to optimize their workflows and drive innovation.

APS Forum

APS Expo Zone

The Autodesk Platform Services Expo Zone was a hub of excitement and innovation. Attendees had the opportunity to interact with APS experts who were on hand to provide insights and guidance. Attendees discussed their specific APS-related queries, seek advice, and gain a deeper understanding of the capabilities and potential of Autodesk Platform Services.

Moicon presented an inspiring Digital Twin activation that showcased the power of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. This activation featured easy-to-read data and key performance indicator (KPI) visualizations in a 3D environment. Visitors were encouraged to explore and play with the sensor technology integrated into the Digital Twin, allowing them to experience a "real" use case firsthand. This interactive experience demonstrated the tangible benefits of leveraging cutting-edge technology.


We can't forget the Autodesk Platform Lego build! Developers bring exponential value to the Autodesk Platform. So we had three lego towers modeling our industry clouds Fusion, Forma, and Flow with Autodesk Platform Services serving as the foundation of the platform, and had visitors help us build our platform by grabbing a lego and adding it to their industry cloud. 


We also had over 90 APS customers with sponsor booths proudly displaying "Powered by Autodesk Platform Services", showcasing the true impact of the developer community and ecosystem.

In addition, attendees not only won in the casino, but had the chance to win prizes here! We had a daily riddle raffle to quiz attendees on their APS learnings. We also thanked attendees who filled out a survey with a raffle prize as well. 4 lucky winners received a mini theragun to enjoy after a jam-packed conference!

Theater Talks

APS was part of two great Theater Talks. These will be available to watch online in the coming weeks.  Elise Grosse, Chief Sustainability Officer for Sweco, presented in the Sustainability by Design talk. She discussed their Carbon Cost Compass (C3), which evaluates both the embodied carbon and the cost implications of design choices in the early stages of a project. Grosse highlighted the importance of sustainability as a necessity, rather than a luxury, and emphasized how it can provide a significant business advantage in today's evolving landscape. 

Andrew Davis, Regional Technology Lead at Jacobs presented in the How Data Enables Better Outcomes Through Automation and Insights talk. Davis shared insights on how Jacobs developed a user management dashboard utilizing the APS Data Connector. This dashboard enabled the transformation of data into actionable insights, allowing for better project management and optimization. Attendees gained valuable knowledge on how data-driven insights can empower organizations to thrive in a dynamic economy.

Software Developers Meetup

On Monday, November 13, APS hosted the "Software Developers Meetup: Coders Connect!"  The Software Developers Meetup: Coders Connect! was a valuable networking and learning opportunity for professionals in the software development field. Attendees left the event with new connections, a broader perspective on the capabilities of Autodesk Platform Services, and fresh ideas to incorporate into their own projects.


Autodesk Platform Services hosted over 40 classes for the IT/Software Development community. Did you miss any or want a recap of the one you loved? We have rounded up some of the hottest topics presented at AU and created playlists of classes, so you can easily watch what you might've missed. Classes have been bundled into the following playlists:

  • Get started with Autodesk Platform Services
  • AI & Machine Learning with APS 
  • Dashboards
  • Digital Twins
  • ACC APIs
  • Data Exchange
  • AEC Data Model
  • Manufacturing Data Model
  • Forma API
  • Sustainability with APS

Catch up on some exciting learning now. Some highlights you may want to watch again:

General classes

  • Autodesk Platform Services: A Road Map

  • Kick Start Your Business with Autodesk Platform Services

  • Autodesk Platform Services Certified Partner panel 

  • Empowering App Store Users: Engage, Influence, and Share our Future

Data classes

  • Journey Towards Data-Centricity with Autodesk Platform Services

  • Data Exchange Unleashed: Revit, Rhino, and Power BI Integration in the Cloud

  • Autodesk Data Models: Moving from Files to Granular Data

  • Democratize Data with AEC Data Model and AI: Break Data Silos Using Autodesk Platform Services

  • Access Granular Design Data Using GraphQL in Autodesk Platform Services

  • Autodesk Data Exchange: Connect to Your Data

  • Autodesk Tandem API: Building Your First Digital Twin

Design & Make Stage in the Expo

This stage was in the center of it all at the One Autodesk Zone in the Expo Hall and hosted a multitude of lively and engaging 30 minute presentations.  We had 5 APS Certified Partners present on the following awesome, inspiring topics:

  1. ChatGPT powered PowerBI connector with data exchange of APS. Make Power BI your new co worker
    1. Tarika Jain, nCircle Tech
  2. Disruptive Material Selection: Enhancing Sustainability in Construction with APS
    1. Valentin Noves, e-verse
  3. Autodesk Platform Services Data Exchanges - Opening New Paths for Interoperability
    1. Geoffrey Tears, Symetri
  4. Grain industrial facilities design using BIM and ACC
    1. Fernando Mallard, ofcdesk
  5. Tame the BOM-beast: unleash manufacturing efficiency
    1. Marco Mirandola, CoolOrange
  6. How an Autodesk Platform Services Certified Partner can help you
    1. Sanjana Chand, Autodesk


Thank you very much to all of the partners and customers who presented and sponsored at the event. And thank you to our developer community for attending AU, providing valuable feedback, and continuing to show Autodesk Platform Services in the wild. We can't wait to see you all again next year! But we hope to see you even sooner. Check out the other APS events that we'll be hosting throughout the upcoming year:

Online Bootcamp 

January 22-25

A live training to get started with APS.


Work intensively on a chosen project with direct help from APS experts.

  • Bangalore, India - November 29 - December 1
  • Shanghai, China - December 11-14
  • Online and in Boston, MA - February 26 - March 1
  • Munich, Germany - April 15-19


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