10 Oct 2018
BIM 360 Docs: API Changes to Access Data in European Data Center

2/5, 2021 update: there has been an enhancement in the viewer v7.27. The viewer switches to EU endpoint if the decoded urn pattern matches EU urns. If you are using the latest viewer, it should work without EMEA option explicitly specified.
12/1, 2023 update: Model Derivative API provides "region" header to indicate regions.
3/18, 2024 update: All BIM 360 and ACC (Autodesk Construction Cloud) API supports automatic region routing.
Note: this is a breaking change. If you have a customer who uses BIM 360 Docs in European data center, you will need to modify your code with new endpoints.
BIM 360 Docs recently started in European data center. Due to this change, you, as a developer of application accessing a model in BIM 360 Docs, will need to take regional aspect into consideration and modify the code to access models that are stored in the European data center.
If you have a customer who uses BIM 360 Docs in European data center, you will need to modify your code with new endpoints
Note that BIM 360 API supports automatic region routing with optional region header for some endpoints. Older endpoints that uses different US and EU endpoints remain functional for backward compatibility. See documentation.
Data Management API is not affected.
The list of affected endpoints
Model Derivative API
The following list of Model Derivative APIs needs to be changed to include region information in the "region" header explicitly when accessing data in the data center in Europe.
- POST references
- GET :urn/thumbnail
- GET :urn/manifest
- DELETE :urn/manifest
- GET :urn/manifest/:derivativeurn
- GET :urn/metadata
- GET :urn/metadata/:guid
- GET :urn/metadata/:guid/properties
For Viewer, if you are using the viewer v7.27 and above, the viewer automatically handle routing for EU. If you are using the latest viewer, it should work without EMEA option explicitly specified.
If you are using v7.26 and earlier, you will need to specify ‘derivativeV2_EU’ as an option parameter in initialization when viewing a model uploaded to BIM 360 Docs in European data center. We encourage you to move to the newer versions.
As always, if you have any question, feel free to contact us.