23 Aug 2018
Viewer Release Notes: v6.1

- MEASUREMENT_CHANGED_EVENT to contain type & id
- Handling new paper transform for 2d files.
- Support for png based leaflets
- Function viewer.getVisibleModels()
- Allow meta keys (CMD) to be used on mac. Applies to Markup’s copy/paste/undo/redo commands. All tools benefit from this change, too.
- Global variable LMV_RESOURCE_VERSION
- zoomWindowTool issue on window resize
- Markup’s text input height when zooming
- iOS10 device keyboard now hides after editing a text markup
- Top right area is now clickable when viewcube is disabled (ex: 2D documents)
- “Calibration required” dialog displays as expected
- Path to markups output files in string replace
- Editing markup in IE11 (update canvg third party to address)
- Environment Background image visiblity while in 2D file compare
- Visibility of measuring axes on mobile devices
- Camera view when loading Navisworks saved views
- Bump map heuristics overwriting the specified bumpScale / “generic_bump_amount” in certain cases.
- Measure button behavior when pressing for the second time
- Duplication of focal length and edit frame elements when changing sheets
- 3D section missing capping in the view saved with a pushpin
- Text markup jumps after finishing editing on iOS
- World up tool (roll) for extension Autodesk.SplitScreen
- BimWalk guide missing title: Run
- Zoom tool when Autodesk.SplitScreen extension is active.