27 Jul 2017
View and Data API will be switched off next week

We announced in mid-April that we would be turning off the old View and Data API on July 17th (see the text from the original blog post and notification email that I've copied below). Having added a couple of weeks grace period, we will finally be turning that API off next week. Therefore, if you're still using the old, original, pre-Forge 'View and Data API', you must migrate your code immediately or your application will stop working. If you need help or advice with this, then please contact us via one of the usual help channels.
Here is the original announcement (from April 17th):
It’s been almost a year since we released our Data Management API, Model Derivative API, and Viewer JavaScript library that replaced the View and Data API. Consequently on July 17, 2017 we will close down the View and Data API.
What’s important to know and do before that date:
- Calls to the View and Data API will be rejected starting on July 17, 2017.
- Before July 17, you must update your code so that you are using the Data Management API, Model Derivative API and Viewer JavaScript library.
- You can find more information on how to make those changes here.
- If you do not transition to the new API before July 17, your app will break.
Apart from the benefits you have experienced with View and Data API, the Model Derivative API also provides multi-format translations and improved security.
Multi Format Translation
With the addition of multi format translation you can use the Model Derivative API to create DWG or IFC files from .RVT, create STEP, IGES, SAT or STL files from Fusion or Inventor formats and of course create Autodesk’s web viewable format .SVF from over 60 industry formats.
See a full list of supported formats here.
Improved Security
Security is critically important to any application. With the new Forge APIs we include more advanced user data protection with the introduction of bearer tokens to gain access to restricted resources and scopes to define levels of access.
A scope is a permission that is set on a token, a context in which that token may act. For example, a token with the data:read scope is permitted to read data within the Forge ecosystem and can be used on those endpoints that require that scope. Tokens without that scope would be denied access to such endpoints.
You can read more in the OAuth documentation.
Thank you for your prompt attention. Please forward this notice to anyone else you believe might be affected by this. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re having trouble migrating your code to the V2 API.
The Autodesk Forge Team