28 Feb 2023
New ECO and Occurrence properties in Fusion Data API

There are some new properties on the ComponentVersion object (currently in Beta) that will help you move between the API and Fusion Manage Extension:
- changeOrder: (Beta) The ECO ‘affectedBy’ attribute assigned by the Fusion Manage extension.
- changeOrderURN: (Beta) The URN of the ECO item in Fusion Manage Extension.
- changeOrderURN: (Beta) The URL to directly link to the ECO item in Fusion Manage Extension.
Another property will make it much easier and faster to retrieve the complete hierarchy of a model. That could also be used to generate the BOM:
- allModelOccurrences: (Beta) The full list of occurrences of the version of the component in assemblies.
Instead of having to iteratively step through the full hierarchy as is done in the Read the Complete Model Hierarchy of a Design sample, now you can achieve the same with a single call.
Please do give them a try. Probably the easiest way to test them is in the explorer.