18 Dec 2020
learnforge View Your Models - VB.NET

I wrote about migrating our C# .NET samples to VB.NET: learnforge Modify Your Models - VB.NET
You can do the same with any of our .NET projects, including View your models
Once you converted the project you'll have to do the same fixes as in the previous project:
1) Replace all "dynamic" words in the whole project with "Object"
2) Add "Imports System.Text" in one of the files
There was only one more thing that needed fixing. When trying to access objects from the responses for GetBucketsAsync() and GetObjectsAsync() then we cannot do it directly through a property, but have to pass the property name to the Dictionary(): e.g. instead of buckets.items we have to use buckets.Dictionary("items")
And of course, just like in case of the original sample, you have to add your Forge App's credentials to the project:
Here is the finished project: https://github.com/adamenagy/Container/blob/master/learn.forge.viewmodels-VB.NET.zip