Autodesk Forge is now Autodesk Platform Services

9 Sep 2021

Forge at AU: Construction Class Round Up

Autodesk University is a little over 3 weeks away. I bet you are dying to know more about the classes that will be offered and what key concepts you can learn about. Well, we wanted to share a preview of our construction focused classes a little bit early to get you excited. Plus we have a few multi-lingual classes that are worth checking out as well.


Autodesk Construction Cloud API Update and Beyond 

Hosted by: Mikako Harada 

In this class, we will present the current status of the APIs for Autodesk Construction Cloud software, discussing the APIs that have recently been added and those that we expect to release in the near future. There will also be more construction roadmap overviews in the Forge Roadmap class hosted by Cyrille Fauvel with a feature presentation from Jim Gray of Autodesk Construction Solutions. 


Fireside chat with Autodesk Construction Solutions Integration team 

Hosted by: Anna Lazar, Jim Gray, Angi Izzi, and James Cook 

Meet the powerhouse partnerships and integrations team from Autodesk Construction Solutions. They are here to help you have success when integrating with the ACS products and solutions. They help Forge developers drive adoption and evangelize your integrations to builders globally. Explore the value created when partners, like you, contribute to the platform.


Model Requirement Checking Online: Automated Data Checking on BIM 360 

Hosted By: Steven Register 

Arcadis / CRTKL have been working with Autodesk Consulting to develop the capability to run Attribute/Parameter checks on Work in Progress models hosted on BIM 360 to ensure they meet client requirements. 

These checks are performed in the background against thousands of data points on thousands of model elements across many files in a matter of minutes. Performing these automated Employer Information Requirement checks on the models directly from BIM 360 streamlines the quality assurance process which is especially helpful with large project data sets. The capability that was developed provides speed and accuracy in meeting the client's data requirements. 


Build Connected and Customized Workflows in BIM 360 using Forge 

Hosted by: Matt Anderle 

Autodesk Forge allows companies to connect their data and process, build custom integrations, and streamline workflows to extend Autodesk product capabilities. Enterprise customers can elevate their return-on-investment of BIM 360 to the next level by leveraging “free” Forge web services that come with BIM 360 subscription. In this session, AECOM will share with you their stories and innovations on how they use Forge to connect BIM 360 with company specific project administration workflows in large enterprise environment, and optimize the design collaboration, review and submittal process for project teams. You will get better understanding on what is available and applicable out of Forge to BIM 360, and gain inspirations on ideas as to what you can do with your models and data to drive business values. 


From BIM to Fabrication with Forge 

Hosted by: Amy Marks 

Leveraging BIM and automation can dramatically reduce fabrication costs and time - allowing you to do more in less time and with less waste.  The convergence of construction and manufacturing is happening right now, giving you the tools you need to deliver projects faster, with higher quality, efficiency, and safety. Learn how Autodesk partners Allied BIM and MSUITE are using Forge to marry BIM to machine automation to power new fabrication automation tools and services; and are developing techniques that can be applied across many processes and industries. 


ERP Integrations for Autodesk Construction Cloud 

Hosted by: Josh Cheney 

This session will introduce the available integrations between Autodesk Construction Cloud and common construction accounting applications. It will include an overview of Autodesk Build's Cost Module and a deep dive on using ACC Connect to hook into SMB accounting tools like Quickbooks Online and working with our partners to integrate enterprise ERPs like Sage.


Uso de Forge para la transformación digital en arquitectura y construcción

Hosted by:  Sergio Leon

Esta presentación contiene ejemplos de partners y clientes de Autodesk que demuestran la importancia de Autodesk Forge en el camino hacia la construcción industrializada y la transformación digital. Escuchemos de BIM6D (Barcelona) cómo han hecho uso de Autodesk Forge en uno de sus últimos proyectos para la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, integrando GIS, BigData, IoT, con visualización de espacios y ayudas en el mantenimiento de equipos y sistemas. Apogea (Málaga) nos hablarán de proyectos para mantener sesiones colaborativas de diseño y su experiencia en el desarrollado de un gemelo digital para la gestión de activos. SIVAR (Medellín, Colombia) nos enseñaran cómo utilizan Autodesk Forge para infraestructuras eléctricas, casos de éxito y su aproximación en el uso de la IA. SENER (Barcelona) nos mostrarán cómo aprovechar un gemelo digital para el control total de activos, reducir costes y aumentar la productividad de equipos, reduciendo riesgos y mejorando diseños.


Digtaler Zwilling und Automation auf dem Weg zum digitalen Bau

Hosted by: Peter Schlipf

In dieser Klasse werden an hand von Praxisbeispielen die Bedeutung der Autodesk Forge Plattform auf dem Weg zum industriealisierten Bau aufgezeigt. Automation, Datenverfügbarkeit und -integration, Kollaboration in der Planung und auf der Baustelle bis hin zur Erstellung digitaler Zwillinge werden von den Partners als wesentliche Erfolgsfaktoren dargstellt. Schüco wird über den aktuellen BIM Manager, eine Forge basierte Plattform für die Schüco Metallbau Partner sprechen. Die Planer der Metallbau Parnter haben damit die Chance im digitalen Modell die optimale Materialauswahl zu planen und die Montage vor Ort zu simulieren um Risiken und Zeitverzögerungen zu vermeiden. Contecht - Forge Systemintegrator aus Berlin zeigt mit der Lösung 4DPlaner Ablauf von Design, Management und Simulation von 4D Modellen. Ablaufplanung , Monitoring und Visulierung der Daten werden auf einer 4D Kollaborationsplattform zusammengeführt. Io.Labs - Forge SI zeigt weitere Forge Projekte.


Automation & Jumeaux Numériques pour l'industrialisation de la construction

Hosted by: Cyrille Fauvel

Venez écouter le témoignage inspirant et retours d’expériences concrets de vos pairs (SpinalCom et DB-LAB/Agence Brunet Saunier Architecture). Rencontrez vos pairs, découvrez les succès d’autres professionnels et rencontrez les sponsors technologiques et start-ups qui transforment l'utilisation des données BIM. SpinalCom, le pionnier du concept de système d’exploitation des bâtiments, donne aux concepteurs, promoteurs et exploitants immobiliers en quête d’innovation les clés pour révéler tout le potentiel de leurs biens. DB-Lab, Forge SI, et l’agence Brunet Saunier Architecture, spécialisée dans les projets hospitaliers d’envergure sur le projet Hôpital Grand Paris-Nord remporté par BSA et l’agence Renzo Piano, pour comprendre comment valoriser les données BIM.


One last panel you definitely don’t want to miss is this one. Check out Autodesk Construction Cloud integration partners that are powered by Forge during the Breadth and Depth of the Autodesk Construction Ecosystem panel hosted by Anna Lazar. There she will highlight top integration partners. See the success they are having building on top of Autodesk Construction Cloud products and offerings. If you want to learn more about construction integrations visit our website at 


If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to register for Autodesk University.  

Register Now

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