10 Jul 2024
Drag and drop with snap points

You might have seen samples of solutions that let you drag and drop additional models into the Viewer
To make sure the components end up at the right place you might want to use snap points.
There is a sample for that too:
The video in the readme shows how the sample works.
In that case you can set up the snap points inside the Viewer.
If you want to set up the snap points inside the original model and use them inside the Viewer then the following might give you an idea.
In this case we start with an Inventor model, where we place UserCoordinateSystem objects to represent the snap points' position and direction.
However, these objects are not exported to SVF so we need to copy them into iProperty entries, which do get exported.
We use VBA code (could be done by an add-in or an iLogic rule too) to copy the values of UserCoordinateSystem object's transformation matrix into iProperties:
Sub SaveConnectorsToProperties()
Dim d As PartDocument
Set d = ThisDocument
Dim ps As PropertySet
Set ps = d.FilePropertySets("{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}")
Dim p As Property
Dim u As UserCoordinateSystem
For Each u In d.ComponentDefinition.UserCoordinateSystems
Dim cells() As Double
Call u.Transformation.GetMatrixData(cells)
' Convert translation to document units
Dim uom As UnitsOfMeasure
Set uom = d.UnitsOfMeasure
cells(3) = uom.ConvertUnits(cells(3), kCentimeterLengthUnits, uom.LengthUnits)
cells(7) = uom.ConvertUnits(cells(7), kCentimeterLengthUnits, uom.LengthUnits)
cells(11) = uom.ConvertUnits(cells(11), kCentimeterLengthUnits, uom.LengthUnits)
Dim strs(15) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 15
' Use CStr instead of just Str so that there will be a leading 0:
' e.g. "0.39" instead of just ".39"
strs(i) = CStr(cells(i))
On Error Resume Next
Set p = ps.Item(u.Name)
If p Is Nothing Then
Call ps.Add("[" + Join(strs, ",") + "]", u.Name)
p.Value = "[" + Join(strs, ",") + "]"
Set p = Nothing
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
The above code generates these properties:
The same properties will be accessible inside the Viewer:
On the Viewer side the snapping is based on projecting all the snap points into the 2D screen space and then checking if any snap points of the model being dropped are close enough to the snap points of the models already placed inside the Viewer.
It's using a modified version of this Viewer extension for identifying snaps:
The same extension also creates an overlay inside the Viewer to visualize the snap points.
The code that deals with the drag and drop part and reading the snap point properties (Connector1-3) from the SVF file are inside the html file.
The Inventor model that also includes the VBA code, the html file and the modified connector-runtime.js are inside this zip file: