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31 Aug 2022

BIM 360 Docs Export PDF API migrating to S3 signed url

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Do you use BIM 360 Docs Export PDF API users? If so, please read on. We have an important, time sensitive information to share and your action is required.  

As part of the migration of S3 signed url downloading/uploadingGET export endpoint is updated to provide additional S3 signed url, (i.e., signedUrl field in the response). We can call this signed url to download the actual content. The current field, link, still functions at a moment for compatibility reason during migration period.

Action Required

If you are using GET export and downloading a pdf using 'link' field value, please migrate to use signedUrl by November 30, 2022, at which point, link field value will stop functioning. 


With this change, the old endpoint which looks like this:

will become like this with the new endpoint:

Notice the change from "" to "" 

You can find more information in the following documentation pages. 

Step-by-step Tutorial 

Reference Guide


Additional note: currently, there is a known issue about hyperlinks not working when the link path is relative. If the link has absolute, it works. This behavior is not new. It existed before. We have logged wish(ALEX-44348). 

If you encounter any issues or have any questions about the migration, please contact            


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