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16 Jun 2020

AutoCAD Design Automation: Error Codes


While working drawings with Forge Design Automation for AutoCAD, we often receive a different kind of error codes in report.log

These errors are the same as ACAD:: Errorstatus

For example:

1. ERROR: Something went wrong. ErrorStatus=434.
2. ERROR: Something went wrong. ErrorStatus=53.

1. ERROR: Something went wrong. ErrorStatus=434.

 This indicates a unsupportedFileFormat

2. ERROR: Something went wrong. ErrorStatus=53.
      This indicates a filerError

Here is table with few error messages and their documentation.

Error Message Documenation
eBadMaterialName Error code returned when the material in the imported layer state could not be created in the database.
eSubSelectionSetEmpty Indicates the sub selection set is empty contains no cells
eNoIntersections No intersections in geometric models
eNoOverride Error code returned when there is no override.
eNoStoredOverrides Error code returned when there are no stored overrides.
eUnableToRetrieveOverrides Error code returned when the system is unable to retrieve overrides.
eUnableToStoreOverrides Error code returned when the system is unable to store overrides.
eUnableToRemoveOverrides Error code returned when the system is unable to remove overrides.
eNoStoredReconcileStatus Error code returned when there is no stored reconcile status.
eUnableToStoreReconcileStatus Error code returned when the system is unable to store the reconcile status.
eInvalidObjectId Returned when the AcDbObjectId is not valid. The object is not found in the current database.
eInvalidXrefObjectId Returned when the AcDbXrefObjectId is not valid. The object is not found in the current database, or it does not have a valid object ID and handle pair.
eNoViewAssociation Returned when there is no view association of the type requested associated with this viewport.
eNoLabelBlock Returned when there is no label block associated with this viewport.
eUnableToSetViewAssociation Returned if unable to associate the view with the viewport. An error occurred storing the view data in the database.
eUnableToGetViewAssociation Returned if unable retrieve the view associated with the viewport. An error occurred when retrieving the view data from the database.
eUnableToSetLabelBlock Returned if unable set the label block associated with the viewport. An error occurred when trying to store the label block in the database.
eUnableToGetLabelBlock Returned if unable retrieve the label block associated with the viewport. An error occurred when retrieving the label block from the database.
eUnableToRemoveAssociation Returned if unable to remove the association from the viewport.
eUnableToSyncModelView Returned if unable to sync the viewport with its associated model view.
eDataLinkAdapterNotFound Error code returned when the data adapter is not found.
eDataLinkNotFound Error code returned when there is no data link.
eDataLinkBadConnectionString Error code returned when the data link is invalid.
eDataLinkNotUpdatedYet Error status indicating that the data link is not yet updated
eDataLinkSourceNotFound Error status indicating the data link source was not found
eDataLinkConnectionFailed Error status indicating the data link connection failed
eDataLinkSourceUpdateNotAllowed Error status indicating that the data link source is write-protected
eDataLinkSourceIsWriteProtected Error status indicating that something awful has occured
eDataLinkExcelNotFound Error status indicating that the Excel link has not been found
eDataLinkOtherError Error status is an unexpected status
eVSNotFound Visual style not found
eVSIsInUse Error code returned when the visual style is already in use.
eVSIsAcadDefault Error code returned when the visual style is already Autocad's default.
eNone No result
eModeless Wraps RTMODELESS, the modeless dialog interrupted call
eNormal Request succeeded
eError Nonspecific error
eCancel User canceled the request with a CTRL-C
eRejected AutoCAD rejected the request as invalid
eFailed Link failure, possibly with the LISP interpreter
eKeyword Keyword returned from a "get" routine
eDirect Passed to endGetPoint if the getpoint was nested within another geometric value prompt such as for angle, and the response entered was such a value rather than a point



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