3 Aug 2024
API of Exporting ACC Sheet to PDF is Released

Continuing with the API of exporting PDF in ACC Files module to PDF, the API to exporting ACC Sheet is also released now. This API is an extension of Sheet API collection. Two endpoints are exposed. One is to post the export job, the second is to fetch job progress and get download link of S3 signed url.
- POST https://developer.api.autodesk.com/construction/sheets/v1/projects/{projectId}/exports
- GET https://developer.api.autodesk.com/construction/sheets/v1/projects/{projectId}/exports/{jobId}
Application context + impersonation authentication and user context authentication are both supported. The user must have Export permission at least.
You could export sheets with both standard markups and feature markups (issues and photos only in this release). For more information about markups, please check the Markups Help of product support. It also supports to export the hyperlinks that are attached with this markup. The hyperlink will be the navigation url of this referenced entity.
The same to Sheet UI, the API allows you to specify exporting publish or unpublished markup or hyperlinks this user created. If the markup or hyperlink is not published, they will not be visible to the other user and neither exportable. Maximum 1000 sheets could be exported in one call. They will be conjoined to one pdf file. The download link of S3 signed url is valid for 1 hour.
For more details, please check:
- Field Guide: The section for Export is added
- Tutorials: demo of the workflow how to export the sheets.
- API References: two new endpoints are added under Export category of Sheet API
- Postman Collection: demo scrips are added with the Sheet API collection