10 Sep 2023
ACC/BIM 360 Cost Management API – Main Contracts, Performance Tracking, and Time Sheets

As we promised in our previous post, we are happy to announce the availability of additional APIs for Cost Management. We have released 24 new endpoints in the following areas:
- Main Contracts and Main Contract Items - CRUD
- Performance Tracking Items and Performance Tracking Item Instances - CRUD
- Time Sheets - CRUD
We have also added three step-by-step tutorials to help developers better understand the usage of the new API:
- Track Budget Performance with Breakdowns
- Track Aggregated Budget Performance
- Update Existing Timesheets
Note: the step-by-step tutorials for Cost Management appear only under BIM 360 API documentation. However, the API itself is compatible for BIM 360 and ACC (Autodesk Construction Cloud). (The documentation should be updated in future.)
Another point to note is that while documentation pages list one form of base URL at a moment to support both BIM 360 and ACC, there is an additional base URL with /construction/ that works for ACC only. i.e.,
For BIM 360:
- https://developer.api.autodesk.com/cost/v1/containers/:containerId/xxx
For ACC (both forms work):
- https://developer.api.autodesk.com/cost/v1/containers/:containerId/xxx
- https://developer.api.autodesk.com/construction/cost/v1/projects/:projectId/xxx
where containerId is equivalent to projectId in ACC.
In BIM 360, containerId “may not” be equal to projectId for older projects. Therefore, it is safer to use containerId for BIM 360 projects.
For details about those new Cost Management API endpoints, please look at Reference Guide and Tutorial sections.
We intend to update the postman collection with all the new Cost Management endpoints. Please stay tuned for the update.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact us through our support channel. We would also like to remind you that we would love to hear from you if there are any missing areas in Cost API. Your voice always helps us to prioritize. Happy coding!