8 May 2024
ACC Cost Management API: Deprecating "budgets" field in POST/PATCH contracts

Do you use Cost Management API with Autodesk Build or BIM 360 Build ? In particular, do you use POST/PATCH contracts and set links between contracts and budgets? If so, please read on.
Recently, Autodesk added a new endpoint POST budgets-contracts:link. This endpoint allows API users to batch-create multiple budgets to multiple contracts links. You can find the blog post about it here. In favor of this endpoint, which is designed for more flexibility and with future enhancement in mind, we are going to deprecate the budgets field in the following two endpoints:
Action Required
If you are using the budgets field in the two endpoints mentioned above, please migrate to use POST budgets-contracts:link by October 15th, 2024, at which point the budgets field will be removed.
Note that we are only deprecating the budgets field in request/response body; the two endpoints themselves will continue to function. This applies to both Autodesk/BIM 360 Build.
To migrate, simply use POST budget-contracts:link to define links between contracts and budgets, instead of through POST/PATCH contracts endpoints.
Check to see if you are using the budgets field in the following two endpoints:
If you are, move contracts-budgets link functionality to use:
For more information about how to use the new API, please see this blog post and tutorial.
If you encounter any issues or have questions about this migration, please contact us by Get Help.