23 Aug 2024

2- legged Access Grant for Token Flex APIs

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The Token Flex API lets Autodesk Token Flex/CORE enterprise users access their token consumption, product usage, and contract details. It can be integrated with in-house reporting for charge-back automation.The Token Flex APIs enable you to integrate your consumption data with your BI solutions, allowing you to create custom reports.

Normally, the Token Flex APIs require a 3-legged access token from a Token Flex admin (either primary or secondary) in the Accounts portal. Without this admin role, the API requests will not return any usage data.

However, if you need two-legged authentication, it is simpler and quicker to set up since it doesn't need user involvement. In contrast, three-legged authentication requires user consent and is more complex. Two-legged authentication is perfect for server-to-server communication, whereas three-legged authentication is better for accessing user-specific data.

If you need to access this API via the 2-legged authentication flow, please fill out this waiver and send it to aps.help@autodesk.com.

API documentation is available here.


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