An object representing a small image that depicts a view of a component.
id* ID! non-null | The ID that uniquely identifies the thumbnail. |
progress* Int! non-null | Indicates how far the thumbnail generating process has progressed. progress is a percentage value from 0-100%. Thumbnails that are not cached are generated on demand. You must wait until progress reaches 100% before you call the URL specified under the {size}ImageUrl fields. |
status* ThumbnailStatusEnum! non-null | Indicates the status of the thumbnail generation process. |
smallImageUrl | The URL to the small thumbnail. The dimensions for a small image is (100X100). |
mediumImageUrl | The URL to the medium thumbnail. The dimensions for a medium image is (200X200). |
largeImageUrl | The URL to the large thumbnail. The dimensions for a large image is (400X400). |
* Required
Where Used
Usage | Used By | Description |
Field Of | Designfile | Represents a file that contains a product design. |
Field Of | Drawingfile | Represents a file that contains 2D projected views of a product design. |
Field Of | Designfileversion | Represents a version of a file that that contains a product design. |
Field Of | Drawingfileversion | Represents a version of a file that contains 2D projected views of a product design. |
Field Of | Componentversion | Represents a version of a component. |
Field Of | Drawingversion | Represents a version of a 2D drawing that contains projected views of a version of a component. |