Constants class
Common constants
public class Constants
Public Members
name | description |
Constants() | The default constructor. |
static readonly ACCWebHost | ACC Web Host |
const ACCWebHostEMEA | ACC Web Host for EMEA |
static readonly ACCWebUrl | Gets or sets the ACC api endpoint |
static readonly AuthTokenURL | Gets the Auth token url |
static readonly BIM360WebHost | BIM360 Web Host |
static readonly BIM360WebHostEMEA | BIM360 Web Host for EMEA |
const ConnectorVersionsUrl | The API endpoint for the file with latest connector versions |
static readonly DefaultSchemaBaseURL | Gets the Default schema base url |
static readonly Env | The Gets the current environment value from Environment variable DXSDKEnvironment |
static readonly EventingStatus | Gets the current environment value from Environment variable EventingStatus for either using or not using L3 events |
static readonly EventsAPIBaseURL | Gets or sets the Events API base URL |
static readonly ExchangeAPIBaseURL | Gets or sets the exchange API base URL. |
static ExchangeNameValidationExpression | The invalid characters for exchange name. |
static readonly L3CredentialsURL | Gets the L3's Credentials url |
static readonly L3SubscriptionsURL | Gets the L3's Subscriptions url |
static readonly L3UpdateEvent | It stores the L3 event type for exchange update event. |
static readonly PubnubUserID | Unique static UUID to identify the device that connects to PubNub |
const QualtricsFeedbackBaseURL | The Qualtrics feedback base URL |
static readonly WebUIAddress | The Web UI address when we browse for exchanges |
See Also
- namespace Autodesk.DataExchange.Core.Models