A visual style definition for a CustomViewable object.
new ViewableStyle(type, color, url, highlightedColor, highlightedUrl, animatedUrls)
Constructs an instance of ViewableStyle
object that describes the style
to be applied for any given CustomViewable
type* number | The type of viewable. Possible values are listedin ViewableType . |
color* THREE.Color | The color of the viewable, default to white. |
url* string | The URL of the sprite to be used for the viewable.Image formats supported are the same as those of HTMLImageElement . |
highlightedColor* THREE.Color | The highlighted color of the viewable,default to white. This color will be used when a CustomViewable ishighlighted with a call to highlightViewables API. |
highlightedUrl* string | The URL of the highlighted sprite to be usedfor the viewable. This sprite will be used when a CustomViewable ishighlighted with a call to highlightViewables API. Image formatssupported are the same as those of HTMLImageElement . |
animatedUrls* Array.<string> | Array of sprite urls that can be used toanimate the icon. |
* Required
const white = 0xffffff;
const iconUrl = "http://localhost:9081/images/device-type-01.svg";
const style = new Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.ViewableStyle(
new THREE.Color(white),
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spriteUrls Set.<string> | |
preloadedSprites | An array of sprite URL strings to be preloaded. |
Preloads a sprite into ViewableStyle
object for later use.
spriteUrl* string | The URL of the sprite image to be preloaded forsubsequent use in CustomViewable objects. Image formats supported arethe same as those of HTMLImageElement . Calling this method with the sameURL will only preload the image once. |
* Required