Extends CustomViewable
A sprite (image) based custom viewable object.
new SpriteViewable(position, style, dbId)
Constructs an instance of SpriteViewable
position* THREE.Vector3 | The position of the viewable in world coordinates. |
style* | The style definition of this custom viewable object. |
dbId* number | The DbId of this custom viewable object. This value is usedto identify the viewable when user input events such as mouse clicks are handled. |
* Required
const dbId = 100;
const positions = [
x: -97.94954550038506,
y: -50.21776820050724,
z: 12.444056161946492,
x: -12.59026829087645,
y: -50.20446526068116,
z: 14.35526278705748,
const viewables = [];
// Create multiple SpriteViewable that share the same 'style'.
positions.forEach((pos) => {
const viewable = new Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.SpriteViewable(
pos, style, dbId);
dbId++; // Assign each viewable a unique identifier
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type | The type of this SpriteViewable object. This value will alwaysbe equal to ViewableType.SPRITE . |
color | The color of this SpriteViewable object. The color is multiplied withthe sprite pixel colors in shader prior to display. |
highlightedColor | The color of this sprite viewable object. The color is multiplied with thehighlighted sprite pixel colors in shader for display. |