Retrieves a general list of financial records for multiple sub-contractors.
Retrieve a general list of financial and safety data for multiple sub-contractors, processed in TradeTapp and based on the data input by sub-contractors during the completion of their questionnaires.
Resource Information
Method and URI | GET |
Authentication Context | user context required |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:read |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow. |
* Required
Query String Parameters
cursorState string | An opaque cursor token that identifies where the next page of paginated results should start. It is returned in each paginated response so that it can be provided in the next request to continue paginated results. If a paginated response contains no cursorState value, there are no further pages to return.
Omit this parameter to initiate a paginated request or to restart pagination. |
limit int | The maximum number of records that the endpoint may return per page.
Note that a returned page may contain fewer records than the limit under either of these conditions:
Default value: |
filter[uniqueId] string | The internal unique ID that is set by the GC. This may be populated from an external system via a sub-contractor backlog upload. |
searchText string | Search for records whose company name or parent company name matches this text. It performs a case-insensitive search with the given regular expression. If not a valid regular expression, it performs an exact text search. |
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | OK |
400 Bad Request | The parameters of the requested operation are invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | The provided bearer token is not valid. |
403 Forbidden | The user or service represented by the bearer token does not have permission to perform this operation. |
404 Not Found | The requested resource could not be found. |
429 Too Many Requests | Rate limit exceeded; wait some time before retrying. The ‘Retry-After’ header might provide the amount of the time to wait. |
500 Internal Server Error | An unknown error occurred on the server. |
Body Structure (200)
Expand all
pagination object | The pagination details of a response. |
limit int | The maximum number of records to return per page.
Note that a returned page may contain fewer records than the limit under either of these conditions:
Default value: |
cursorState string | An opaque cursor token that identifies where the next page of paginated results should start. It is returned in each paginated response so that it can be provided in the next request to continue paginated results. If a paginated response contains no cursorState value, there are no further pages to return.
Omit this parameter to initiate a paginated request or to restart pagination. |
totalResults int | The total number of records returned overall. |
nextUrl string | Link that will return the next page of data. If not included, this is the last page of data. It is allowed that a page may be empty but contain a next paging link. Consumers should stop paging only when the next link no longer appears. |
previousUrl string | Link that will return the previous page of data. If the previous link is supported, then the absence indicates the first page of results. |
results array: object | A general list of financial and some safety data based on input by sub-contractors during the completion of their questionnaire. |
id string | Sub-contractor’s BC ID. This is a unique identifier for the company’s financial data object. |
uniqueId string | The internal unique ID that is set by the GC. This may be populated from an external system via a sub-contractor backlog upload. |
companyName string | Name of the sub-contractor’s company that submitted the qualification questionnaire. |
hasParentCompany boolean | Indicates if the sub-contractor’s company has a parent company. |
parentCompanyName string | If they have one, the name of the sub-contractor’s parent company. |
riskEvaluationScore int | Risk score generated when financial input is completed. It is based on the subcontractor’s current reported backlog position vs recommended aggregate total capacity and financial benchmarking performance. Values can range from 1 to 5 where 1 represents low risk, 2 is moderate, 3 is high, 4 is severe, and 5 means no financials. |
benchmarks object | A list of metrics benchmarked against other sub-contractors with data for the same financial statement year. They are represented as percentiles whose values are from 0 to 100.The score itself |
debtScore int | The sub-contractor’s score for the Debt financial category. |
debtYear int | The year of the sub-contractor’s most recent financial statement on which the Debt financial category was based. |
liquidityScore int | The score for the sub-contractor’s Liquidity financial category. |
liquidityYear int | The year of the sub-contractor’s most recent financial statement on which the Liquidity financial category was based. |
profitabilityScore int | The sub-contractor’s score for the Profitabliity financial category. |
profitabilityYear int | The year of the sub-contractor’s most recent financial statement on which the Profitability financial category was based. |
turnoverScore int | The sub-contractor’s score for the Turnover financial category. |
turnoverYear int | The year of the sub-contractor’s most recent financial statement on which the Turnover financial category was based. |
overallBenchmarkingScore int | The sub-contractor’s overall score as a result of applying weights to each financial category. |
overallBenchmarkingYear int | The year of the sub-contractor’s most recent financial statement on which the overall score was based. |
keyMetrics object | Key Metrics which are summarized and visible in the sub-contractors profile under the Summary tab. |
dartRates array: object | A list of the sub-contractor’s Days Away Restricted or Transferred scores. |
score number | The score for the referenced year. |
year int | The year of a specific score. |
experienceModificationRatings array: object | A list of the sub-contractor’s Experience Modification Rating scores. |
score number | The score for the referenced year. |
year int | The year of a specific score. |
recordableIncidentRates array: object | A list of the sub-contractor’s recordable incident rate scores. |
score number | The score for the referenced year. |
year int | The year of a specific score. |
aggregateTotalCapacity number | TradeTapp’s recommendation for the maximum total backlog the sub-contractor company should take on. |
largestProject number | Pulled from the Project References question (submitted by the sub-contractor via questionnaire). Used to showcase sub-contractor’s prior work experience. |
largestProjectYear int | Year of the sub-contractor’s largest project completed. |
netCashFlow number | Pulled from sub-contractor’s most recent financial statement. It identifies cash in vs. cash out for the business during the prior year as a helpful indicator of financial health. |
netCashFlowYear int | Year in which net cash flow was provided. |
singleProjectCapacity number | TradeTapp’s recommendation for the maximum individual contract size this company should take on. |
workingCapital number | Pulled from sub-contractor’s most recent financial statement. Current Assets - Current Liabilities. This showcases the flexibility a business has to deploy cash or assets if necessary. |
workingCapitalYear int | Year in which working capital was provided. |
statements array: object | A set of financial statement data which has been processed into TradeTapp from financial PDF documents, submitted by the sub-contractor. |
period int | sub-contractor’s statement period |
type enum:string | The sub-contractor’s statement type. They can be
COMPILED (Compiled/Internal), REVIEWED (CPA Reviewed), AUDITED (CPA Audited).
Possible values: COMPILED , REVIEWED , AUDITED |
date string | The sub-contractor’s statement date |
rawData object | The detail of a sub-contractor’s financial statement, which was manually entered through TradeTapp’s financial input section. |
accountsPayable number | Accounts payable |
accountsReceivable number | Accounts receivable |
amountOfCreditUsed number | Amount of credit used |
billingInExcessOfCost number | Billing in excess of cost |
cashAndCashEquivalents number | Cash and cash equivalents |
costInExcessOfBillings number | Cost in excess of billings |
costsOfGoodsSold number | Costs of goods sold |
currentLiabilities number | Current liabilities |
earningsBeforeIncomeTaxes number | Earnings before income taxes |
equity number | Equity |
interestExpense number | Interest expense |
interestIncome number | Interest income |
marketableSecurities number | Marketable securities |
netCashFromFinancing number | Net cash from financing |
netCashFromInvestments number | Net cash from investments |
netCashFromOperations number | Net cash from operations |
netIncome number | Net income |
revenueSales number | Revenue sales |
totalAssets number | Total assets |
currentAssets number | Total current assets |
totalLiabilities number | Total liabilities |
totalLineOfCredit number | Total line of credit |
metrics object | Metrics from the financial metric categories (debt, liquidity, profitability, turnover) for a sub-contractor. |
accountsReceivableTurnover number | An activity ratio measuring how efficiently a firm uses its assets. A higher ratio indicates a stronger ability to collect on Accounts Receivable. |
assetTurnoverRatio number | Indicator of the efficiency with which a company is applying its assets in order to generate revenue. |
cashToOverbillings number | Over billings are cash billed on work not yet completed. This ratio is used to identify whether the cash from billings has been collected and spent or saved as cash. |
currentRatio number | Similar to quick ratio. Measures a company’s ability to pay off its short-term liabilities with its current assets. A large ratio is indicative of a strong working capital position. |
daysOfCashOnHand number | The number of days that a company can continue to pay its operating expenses, given the amount of cash available and assuming no additional revenue. A high value indicates a strong cash position and ability to withstand cash flow constraints. |
debtLessCashToEquity number | Same as Debt to Equity ratio, however, cash is excluded from liabilities in the ratio because cash can be used to retire a liability at any point in time, therefore this may be a better indicator of how leveraged the company is. |
debtRatio number | Measures the extent of a company’s leverage. It can be used to determine the proportion of a company’s assets that are financed by debt. A high ratio indicates a heavily leveraged company. |
debtToEquity number | Measurement of how much suppliers, lenders, creditors and obligors have committed to the company versus what the shareholders have committed. Answers how heavily is the company leveraged. |
equityToSales number | A measurement of total equity compared to annual sales. It is better for this ratio to be high. |
equityToTotalLiabilities number | Measures ratio of equity (retained earnings or profit) vs. total liabilities. It is better for this ratio to be high. |
grossProfitMargin number | The gross difference between sales and cost of sales. |
netProfitMargin number | The net difference between sales and cost of sales plus all operating expenses, interest, taxes and dividends. |
quickRatio number | Used to gauge a company’s liquidity. The quick ratio is also known as the acid test ratio. A higher ratio indicates a stronger cash position. |
returnOnAssets number | Measures how effectively assets are being used to generate profits. |
underbillingsToCurrentAssets number | Percentage of a company’s current assets that is composed of work performed but not yet billed. Underbillings may be unreliable assets, therefore it is better for this ratio to be lower. |
underbillingsToWc number | Percentage of a company’s working capital that is composed of work performed but not yet billed. Under billings may be poor assets, therefore it is better for this ratio to be lower. |
workingCapitalCompression number | Used to measure compression in the current portion of the balance sheet. A low ratio indicates that the account is financing a substantial portion of its current assets to create a relatively small working capital position. |
workingCapitalToSales number | Measurement of how effectively a company is able to generate new sales without taking on additional debt / liabilities. |
workingCapitalTurnover number | A measurement comparing the depletion of working capital to the generation of sales over a given period. This provides some useful information as to how effectively a company is using its working capital to generate sales. |
customRatios array: object | A list of custom financial ratios. |
name string | The name of the custom ratio created in TradeTapp. |
value number | The output value of the custom ratio for the sub-contractor. |
curl -v '[uniqueId]=98h2fbd84k9s322ch&searchText=Company A' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a'
"pagination": {
"limit": 10,
"cursorState": "cD0xMTA4Ng==",
"totalResults": 120,
"nextUrl": "",
"previousUrl": ""
"results": [
"id": "59d2b8660675250927442cbf",
"uniqueId": "98h2fbd84k9s322ch",
"companyName": "Gr8 Builders",
"hasParentCompany": true,
"parentCompanyName": "BuildingConnected",
"riskEvaluationScore": 2,
"benchmarks": {
"debtScore": 39,
"debtYear": 2019,
"liquidityScore": 49,
"liquidityYear": 2019,
"profitabilityScore": 34,
"profitabilityYear": 2019,
"turnoverScore": 47,
"turnoverYear": 2019,
"overallBenchmarkingScore": 43,
"overallBenchmarkingYear": 2020
"keyMetrics": {
"dartRates": [
"score": 1.5623,
"year": 2019
"experienceModificationRatings": [
"score": 1.5623,
"year": 2019
"recordableIncidentRates": [
"score": 1.5623,
"year": 2019
"aggregateTotalCapacity": 105123000,
"largestProject": 54000000,
"largestProjectYear": 2019,
"netCashFlow": 55222000,
"netCashFlowYear": 2020,
"singleProjectCapacity": 26586963,
"workingCapital": 11556329,
"workingCapitalYear": 2020
"statements": [
"period": 12,
"type": "REVIEWED",
"date": "2019-12-31",
"rawData": {
"accountsPayable": 10000,
"accountsReceivable": 10000,
"amountOfCreditUsed": 566323,
"billingInExcessOfCost": 54962,
"cashAndCashEquivalents": 8976,
"costInExcessOfBillings": 3697,
"costsOfGoodsSold": 110563965,
"currentLiabilities": 963258741,
"earningsBeforeIncomeTaxes": 856963,
"equity": 5963236,
"interestExpense": 98099,
"interestIncome": 12325,
"marketableSecurities": 6795,
"netCashFromFinancing": 9800,
"netCashFromInvestments": 75960,
"netCashFromOperations": 76806,
"netIncome": 540233,
"revenueSales": 80635986,
"totalAssets": 123456789,
"currentAssets": 9888888,
"totalLiabilities": 117493553,
"totalLineOfCredit": 10000000
"metrics": {
"accountsReceivableTurnover": 5.3659,
"assetTurnoverRatio": 5.2216,
"cashToOverbillings": 0.2574,
"currentRatio": 1.3979,
"daysOfCashOnHand": 277.4554,
"debtLessCashToEquity": 3.4545,
"debtRatio": 0.9999,
"debtToEquity": 2.6565,
"equityToSales": 0.2132,
"equityToTotalLiabilities": 0.5874,
"grossProfitMargin": 0.0563,
"netProfitMargin": 0.0963,
"quickRatio": 0.6532,
"returnOnAssets": 0.0066,
"underbillingsToCurrentAssets": 0.0563,
"underbillingsToWc": 0.3669,
"workingCapitalCompression": 0.2784,
"workingCapitalToSales": 0.6326,
"workingCapitalTurnover": 9.9999,
"customRatios": [
"name": "Equity to Largest Project",
"value": 0.0123
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