Issues V1 Changelog
Retired Issues V1 Endpoints: 2023-08-24
We have retired BIM 360 Issues v1 endpoints.
You can use BIM 360 Issues v2.
If you have been using v1 see the Migration Guide for details about migrating from v1 to v2.
Deprecated Issues V1 Endpoints: 2023-01-19
The following Issues BIM 360 endpoints are deprecated. We will continue supporting them until July 5th, 2023. We strongly recommend using the BIM 360 v2 endpoints. If you have been using Issues V1, you should switch over to v2. See the Migration Guide for more details.
Releasing Issues v2: 2023-1-5
We are releasing Issues v2. We strongly recommend migrating from v1 to v2. For more details, see the Issues Migration Guide.
- GET users/me
- GET issues
- GET issues/:issueId
- POST issues
- PATCH issues/:issueId
- GET issue-root-causes-categories
- GET issue-types
- GET issue-attribute-definitions
- GET issue-attribute-mappings
- GET comments
- POST comments
- GET attachments
- POST attachments
- POST attachments/:attachmentId
Release Date: 2019-09-24
Version 1.3.0
Added endpoints for retrieving a project’s issue custom attributes, and issue custom attribute mappings, as well as a tutorial that explains how to retrieve all the issue custom attributes that were mapped to an issue type.
For more details, see GET issue attribute definitions.
Release Date: 2018-11-08
Version 1.2.0
You can now render and create document-related (pushpin) issues in your app.
For more details, see the Create Document-related (Pushpin) Issues in Your App and Render Document-related (Pushpin) Issues in Your App tutorials.
Release Date: 2018-11-07
Version 1.1.0
New Unified Issues
We have merged Document issues endpoints and Field issues endpoints together into a single unified Issues API.
Up until now, BIM 360 APIs have supported two types of issues with separate groups of endpoints:
- Document issues (/issues/
) configured in the BIM 360 Document Management UI.
- Field issues (/quality-issues/
) configured in the BIM 360 Field Management UI.
Both types of issues can also be configured in the BIM 360 Viewer within the BIM 360 Document Management UI.
Note that both Document issues and Field issues will now appear in both the Document Management Issues UI and the Field Management Issues UI. In the near future, we will be replacing the Document issues and Field issues tabs with a new unified BIM 360 Issues module.
The endpoints that are currently used for Field issues, i.e., the Quality Issues endpoints, will now function as both Field issues and Document issues endpoints. We will be deprecating the Document issues endpoints at the end of April 2019.
Up until now, any type of user has been able to create Document issues, whereas only specific types of users have been able to create Field issues (Quality Issues). Now that Document issues are also part of Quality Issues, the same permissions that were required by users to create Field issues are also necessary for users who want to create Document issues. See the GET users/me endpoint for more details about users permissions.
Q: What do I need to do?
A: If you are currently only using Field issues endpoints, you don’t need to change anything; you can continue to use Quality Issues endpoints as before. However, if you are using Document issues endpoints, you should start using the Quality Issues endpoints instead in order to get the full benefits of BIM 360 Issues features. Including support for custom issue types and sub-types, permissions, locations, root causes, and custom attributes.
Q: How do I use Quality Issues endpoints for Document issues?
A: The Quality Issues ng_issue_type_id attribute indicates which type of issue is returned in the payload. Document issues are assigned the design type. All other types are types of Field issues.
Q: What happens to the Document issues that already exist, and what happens if I continue to use POST document-issues until April 2019?
A: Document issues that already exist as well as Document issues that you subsequently create using POST document-issues will automatically be assigned a design issue type (ng_issue_type). If you use GET document-issues it will return design type issues, i.e., Document issues. If you call GET quality-issues it will return all types of issues including design issues. You can also filter GET quality-issues to only return design issues.
Release Date: 2018-07-29
Version 1.0.0
Added endpoints for creating, tracking and updating project-related issues. An issue is an item that is created in BIM 360 for tracking, managing and communicating problems and other points of concern through to resolution. You can manage both BIM 360 Document Management Issues and BIM 360 Field Management Issues.
For more details, see the API Basics section.