Retrieve Forms Associated With Specific Locations
This tutorial demonstrates how to retrieve forms that are associated with a specific location in a project.
Before You Begin
- Register an app
- Acquire a 3-legged OAuth token with the
scope. - Verify that you have access to the relevant ACC project, and find the project ID. In the example, the project ID is
Step 1: Find the Locations for the Project
Use the project ID (9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4
) to retrieve the locations for the project, by calling GET nodes
curl -v '' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a'
"pagination": {
"limit": 3,
"offset": 0,
"totalResults": 7,
"nextUrl": "/locations/v2/containers/4a327b27-897c-4e5a-8e48-6e01c21377f3/trees/default/nodes?limit=3&offset=3"
"results": [
"id": "5add4375-f223-4201-88b9-8049e68416aa",
"parentId": null,
"type": "Root",
"name": "Project",
"description": "Project description",
"barcode": null,
"order": 0,
"documentCount": 0,
"areaDefined": false
"id": "d14ce3a6-e61b-4ab0-a9be-5acf7b5366df",
"parentId": "5add4375-f223-4201-88b9-8049e68416aa",
"type": "Area",
"name": "Area 1",
"description": "An Area 1 node",
"barcode": "ABC123",
"order": 0,
"documentCount": 2,
"areaDefined": true
"id": "8da1faf2-a72f-421b-89df-00d77e545faf",
"parentId": "5add4375-f223-4201-88b9-8049e68416aa",
"type": "Area",
"name": "Area 2",
"description": "An Area 2 node",
"barcode": "DEF456",
"order": 1,
"documentCount": 3,
"areaDefined": true
The response payload includes the location IDs in the results
Step 2: Find the Forms
Use the project ID (9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4
) and the location IDs that you retrieved in the previous step to call GET forms, and use the locations filter to only retrieve forms that are associated with the specified locations.
curl "" -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer nFRJxzCD8OOUr7hzBwbr06D76zAT" \
-H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json"
"data": [
"status": "draft",
"id": "932da979-e537-4530-b8aa-18607ac6db37",
"projectId": "9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4",
"formNum": 1,
"formDate": "2020-11-20",
"assigneeId": "USER123A",
"locationId": "d14ce3a6-e61b-4ab0-a9be-5acf7b5366df",
"updatedAt": "2020-11-20T16:14:27.615127+00:00",
"createdBy": "USER123A",
"notes": "Form notes",
"description": "Form description",
"formTemplate": {
"status": "active",
"id": "2f634a22-779d-4930-9f08-8391a41fea05",
"projectId": "9ba6681e-1952-4d54-aac4-9de6d9858dd4",
"name": "Daily Report",
"templateType": "pg.template_type.daily_report"
"pdfValues": [],
"pdfUrl": null,
"weather": {
"summaryKey": "clear",
"precipitationAccumulation": 2.3,
"precipitationAccumulationUnit": "in",
"temperatureMin": 47.1,
"temperatureMax": 65.1,
"temperatureUnit": "Fahrenheit",
"humidity": 0.2,
"windSpeed": 12.5,
"windGust": 34.6,
"speedUnit": "mph",
"windBearing": 18,
"hourlyWeather": [
"id": 1234,
"hour": "07:00:00",
"temp": 54.12,
"windSpeed": 14.2,
"windBearing": 14,
"humidity": 0.24,
"fetchedAt": null,
"createdAt": "2021-01-20T20:38:32+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2021-01-20T20:38:32+00:00"
"tabularValues": {
"worklogEntries": [
"id": "cb95aceb-187a-3a8f-2e5f-502a555c03d5",
"deleted": false,
"trade": "Plumbers",
"timespan": 21600000,
"headcount": 4,
"description": "change pipes"
"materialsEntries": [
"id": "2f7e534d-d084-594b-8aa6-147cb8fbc060",
"deleted": false,
"item": "Glue",
"quantity": 3,
"unit": "qt",
"description": null
"equipmentEntries": [
"id": "84a32af6-b2b1-c3ae-c186-caef48fe4ffd",
"deleted": false,
"item": "Hammer",
"timespan": 7200000,
"quantity": 1,
"description": null
"customValues": [
"sectionLabel": "Observation",
"itemLabel": "Masks / Face Protection",
"valueName": "numberVal",
"numberVal": 1,
"notes": "Observed Masks and Face Protection"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"totalResults": 1,
"nextUrl": null
The response payload includes the form IDs (
) that are associated with the specified locations.
Note that in this example the endpoint only returned a single form (locationId=d14ce3a6-e61b-4ab0-a9be-5acf7b5366df
) even though it filtered for two locations. This is because only one of the two locations is associated with a form.
Congratulations! You have retrieved forms associated with specific locations.