Updates the attributes of an existing data request created earlier by the authenticated user. Note that the user must have executive overview or project administrator permissions.
The attribute values provided in this request’s body structure are the values used in the update. You need only specify the attribute values you want to update. Any attributes not specified are not updated.
The attribute values returned in the response body structure describe the current attribute values of the updated data request.
To get request IDs for your requests, use GET requests.
To understand the basics of requests, the jobs they spawn, and the data extracts returned by the jobs, see the Data Connector API Field Guide.
Resource Information
Method and URI | PATCH |
Authentication Context | user context required |
Required OAuth Scopes | data:write |
Data Format | JSON |
Authorization* string | Must be Bearer <token> , where <token> is obtained via a three-legged OAuth flow. |
Content-Type* string | Must be application/json |
URI Parameters
accountId string: UUID | The account ID. You can derive it from your hub ID if necessary: Use GET hubs in the Data Management API to retrieve your hub ID. Remove the initial “b.” from the hub ID to get your account ID. |
requestId string: UUID | The ID of the specified request |
Body Structure
isActive boolean | The data request’s active/inactive status. Possible values: true the request is active; false the request is inactive. |
description string | The user-entered description of this data request. |
scheduleInterval string | The scheduling interval unit for jobs spawned by this data request. This value is multiplied by the reoccurringInterval attribute to specify the length of the recurring interval at which jobs run. Possible values:
Note that recurring jobs start at the day and time when the request first spawns a job. This may be at the date and time specified in the attribute This value is required. |
reoccuringInterval int | The number of scheduleInterval units to wait between job execution for the request. For example, a scheduleInterval value of WEEK and a reoccuringInterval value of 2 means the job will run every two weeks. |
effectiveFrom datetime: ISO 8601 | The date and time when a one-time job execution or a recurring interval schedule begins, presented in ISO 8601 format. |
effectiveTo datetime: ISO 8601 | The date and time when the recurring interval schedule ends, presented in ISO 8601 format. |
serviceGroups array: string | The service groups from which to extract data, separated by commas.
Possible values: Note that the |
callbackUrl string | The callback URL specified for the data request. If specified, the Data Connection service calls the URL each time a job executes for the request. The service sends a POST request that provides job execution information. The JSON payload in the POST request contains the following: { "accountId": "account_id", "requestId": "request_id", "jobId": "data_connector_job_id", "state": "complete", "success": true or false } .
If not specified, the Data Connection service does not provide a callback. |
sendEmail boolean | Send a notification email to the user upon job completion. Values: true or false (default is true) |
projectId string | (Legacy): A single project ID for the data request. Superseded by projectIdList . |
projectIdList string | A list of up to 50 project IDs for the data request, which can include a single project or multiple projects. If projectId is also included, projectIdList takes precedence. Required for users with project admin permissions. Optional for users with executive overview permissions, who by default receive data for all projects unless projectIdList is provided. |
startDate string | The start date and time for the data extraction, in ISO 8601 format.
This field applies only to schemas supporting date range extraction. The detailed schema documentation delivered with each data extract identifies the schemas and tables that support date range extraction. Additional notes on using
endDate string | The end date and time for the data extraction, in ISO 8601 format.
This field applies only to schemas supporting date range extraction. The detailed schema documentation delivered with each data extract identifies the schemas and tables that support date range extraction. Additional notes on using
HTTP Status Code Summary
200 OK | The specified data request was successfully updated and now has these attribute values. |
400 Bad Request | The parameters are invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | The provided bearer token is invalid. |
403 Forbidden | Forbidden. The user or service represented by the bearer token does not have permission to perform this operation. |
404 Not Found | The resource or endpoint cannot be found. |
429 Too Many Requests | Rate limited exceeded; wait some time before retrying. |
500 Internal Server Error | An unexpected error occurred on the server. |
503 Service Unavailable | Service unavailable. |
Body Structure (200)
id string: UUID | The ID of the data request. |
description string | The user-entered description of this data request. If not supplied, the default value is a null string. |
isActive boolean | The data request’s active/inactive status. Possible values: true the request is active; false the request is inactive. |
accountId string: UUID | The account ID. |
projectId string: UUID | (Legacy): A single project ID for the data request. Superseded by projectIdList . |
projectIdList array: string | A list of up to 50 project IDs included in the data request. This field contains the project IDs for which data is being extracted. If both projectId and projectIdList were included in the request, this field contains the values from projectIdList . |
createdBy string | The BIM 360 / ACC user ID of the user who created the data request. |
createdByEmail string | The email address of the user who created the data request. |
createdAt datetime: ISO 8601 | The date and time the data request was created, presented in ISO 8601 format. |
updatedBy string | The BIM 360 / ACC user ID of the user who last updated the data request. |
updatedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | The date and time the data request was last updated, presented in ISO 8601 format. |
scheduleInterval string | The scheduling interval unit for jobs spawned by this data request. This value is multiplied by the reoccurringInterval attribute to specify the length of the recurring interval at which jobs run. Possible values:
reoccuringInterval int | The number of scheduleInterval units to wait between job execution for the request. For example, a scheduleInterval value of WEEK and a reoccuringInterval value of 2 means the job will run every two weeks. |
effectiveFrom datetime: ISO 8601 | The date and time when a one-time job execution or a recurring interval schedule begins, presented in ISO 8601 format. |
effectiveTo datetime: ISO 8601 | The date and time when the recurring interval schedule ends, presented in ISO 8601 format. |
lastQueuedAt datetime: ISO 8601 | The date and time the last job for this data request was scheduled to execute, presented in ISO 8601 format. |
serviceGroups array: string | The service groups from which data has been extracted, separated by commas.
Possible values: Note that the |
callbackUrl string | The callback URL specified for the data request. If specified, the Data Connection service calls the URL each time a job executes for the request. The service sends a POST request that provides job execution information. The JSON payload in the POST request contains the following: { "accountId": "account_id", "requestId": "request_id", "jobId": "data_connector_job_id", "state": "complete", "success": true or false } . |
sendEmail boolean | Send a notification email to the user upon job completion. Values: true or false (default is true) |
startDate string | The start date and time for the data extraction, in ISO 8601 format.
This field applies only to schemas supporting date range extraction. The detailed schema documentation delivered with each data extract identifies the schemas and tables that support date range extraction. Additional notes on using
endDate string | The end date and time for the data extraction, in ISO 8601 format.
This field applies only to schemas supporting date range extraction. The detailed schema documentation delivered with each data extract identifies the schemas and tables that support date range extraction. Additional notes on using
dateRange string | The timeframe used for extracting data in the request. Currently, it is applicable only to the Activities service. This field contains the value specified in the request, indicating the range of data included in the response. Possible values:
projectStatus string | The types of projects to be included in a request. The possible values are:
The specified data request was successfully updated and now has these attribute values.
curl -v '' \
-X 'PATCH' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer AuIPTf4KYLTYGVnOHQ0cuolwCW2a' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"isActive": true,
"description": "My Company Data Extract",
"scheduleInterval": "ONE_TIME",
"reoccuringInterval": null,
"effectiveFrom": "2020-11-06T19:09:40.106Z",
"effectiveTo": "2020-11-12T19:09:40.106Z",
"serviceGroups": [
"callbackUrl": "",
"sendEmail": true,
"projectId": null,
"projectIdList": "[ \"ffffffff-1f51-4b26-a6b7-6ac0639cb138\", \"aaaaaaaa-1f51-4b26-a6b7-6ac0639cb138\" ]",
"startDate": "2023-06-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2023-06-06T12:00:00.000Z"
"id": "ce9bc188-1e18-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
"description": "My Company Data Extract",
"isActive": true,
"accountId": "f9abf4c8-1f51-4b26-a6b7-6ac0639cb138",
"projectId": null,
"projectIdList": "[ \"ffffffff-1f51-4b26-a6b7-6ac0639cb138\", \"aaaaaaaa-1f51-4b26-a6b7-6ac0639cb138\" ]",
"createdBy": "ABCDEFGHI",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdAt": "2020-11-06T19:09:40.106Z",
"updatedBy": "ABCDEFGHI",
"updatedAt": "2020-11-06T19:09:40.106Z",
"scheduleInterval": "ONE_TIME",
"reoccuringInterval": null,
"effectiveFrom": "2020-11-06T19:09:40.106Z",
"effectiveTo": "2020-11-12T19:09:40.106Z",
"lastQueuedAt": null,
"serviceGroups": [
"callbackUrl": "",
"sendEmail": true,
"startDate": "2023-06-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2023-06-06T12:00:00.000Z",
"dateRange": "LAST_MONTH",
"projectStatus": "active"