Documentation / Alias API

Alias API

Extend and customize functionality within the Alias environment

The Alias API lets you access the software's internal features so you can automate tasks, create surfaces, modify geometry, and more. By using scripts and plug-ins, you can interact with Alias to enhance workflows and customize design processes.

Fundamentals and setup

Get started with the essentials. Learn the foundational concepts and setup procedures necessary to effectively use the Alias API in your projects.

API practical usage

Discover tips and methods for using the Alias API in your everyday development tasks. Enhance your workflows and improve efficiency with these insights.


Dive deeper into the implementation details of the Alias API. Understand advanced techniques and methods to fully utilize API capabilities in your applications.

Plug-in development

Learn how to develop custom plug-ins for Alias. Follow step-by-step guides and best practices to extend and customize the functionality of the Alias environment.

API plug-in examples

Explore real-world examples of plug-ins developed using the Alias API. Study these code samples to gain practical insights and inspiration for your own projects.

Community and support

Whether you're an experienced Alias user or just starting out, this is a good place to ask questions, share tips, connect, and learn from others.