Alex Tessier
Research Scientist, Autodesk Research
Alex Tessier is a Research Scientist at Autodesk Research. Since joining the company in 1998, Alex has worked on various projects at Autodesk, including Autodesk Alias, Spider, Custom Engineering, Sketchbook and more. Alex holds a Bachelor’s of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters of Computer Science from the University of Toronto. Alex has worked in various areas and companies, notably: IBM, General Electric, Aiolos Engineering, National Defence Canada and Procision Analysis Corp.
Alex’s research interests are in interactive simulation, generative design, Internet of Things, parallelism and hardware rendering.
Alex hobbies include scuba diving, playing the violin and being the drummer in a band. Together with his wife Alice, Alex’s activities outside of work focus mainly on his two young boys, William and Jacques and their labrador retriever Athena.